Thursday, November 6, 2008

Happy Halloween!

Well, here we all are decked out in our costumes for Halloween! In case you can't tell, Natalie & Lucy are girl pirates, Karalie is a snow princess, & Camilla is a pumpkin. Ben is a deer & I am the mighty huntress (Lucy & Ben are holding my bow & arrows)! Sorry about the lack of extra photos, but because of the craziness of the day we didn't take pictures until after all the fun & sugar and the girls weren't really in a photo-op mood.
Try as I might I can never seem to get Halloween to not be a crazy last-minute improvising affair! This year I thought I was doing pretty well by just getting Natalie & Lucy store-bought costumes. I was even smart (or at least I thought I was) and didn't let them see the costumes until the day before. This proved to be unwise because Natalie's costume fit Lucy and Lucy's didn't work for anyone. This left me scrounging all day Friday trying to get a pirate costume together for Natalie. As you can imagine, she was very put out that her little sister got to wear her costume!
So Friday morning I called Grammy and asked her to come to our rescue! She did, thankfully, and helped in so many ways! Her sewing stash and expertise were a blessing and the only reason we even had a costume for Natalie to wear!Then she made dinner so Ben and I could finish up all the little stuff and we could all make it to the trunk-or-treat! Ben was a lifesaver too, running to the store for little necessities during his lunch hour and after work! All-in-all it was a crazy, but fun day!


Sarah said...

you guys look great! Halloween is a crazy time around here! Hope you got lots of candy!

Heidi said...

great costumes, bed looks like he got caught in someones headlight though.

Heidi said...

that would be ben not bed

Sarah said...

Hey Corinne,
I would love your address so that I can send you guys a Christmas card. My email is

Jeanne said...

i know you're busy but halloween is over~ it's time to update the blog! Hee, Hee!