Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Summer Fun!

So as you all have probably already guessed, we've been pretty busy this summer (hence the lack of posts)! Here's a few pics of what we've been up to:

Planting grass....
And more grass....
And more grass!! It's a little patchy in spots (that's what you get when you do it yourself) and it's been a LOT of work, but it's so nice to see green instead of brown! Now if we could just figure out how to get our grass & garden to grow as fast as our weeds!!!

We've also had some fun celebrating birthdays! Here's Camilla with her first birthday cake!
She wasn't so sure at first, but as you can see she decided that chocolate cake is a GOOD thing!

Here's Grammy and Karalie, the birthday buddies! They each got their OWN birthday cake thanks to our sweet visiting teacher. Oh, and she made Camilla's cake too! Thanks, Marge! You were definitely one busy lady!
Here's Karalie celebrating #3 with her very own stick horse (she named him "Buck") and cowgirl get-up (thanks Grammy)! We can now always tell where Karalie is in the house by the tap-tapping sound made by her galloping with Buck!
As for other goings on we've had, my family came to visit over the 4th of July; Ben's been involved in a ward roofing project; and we've had Jenny & co. and Bob & Julie & co. come to visit as well! It's been chaos at times, but we have just loved it! The house and life in general just seem so lonely and quiet after everyone goes home! However, with all the excitement we do tend to get a little tired and often fall asleep at odd times...:0)


Pieces of me... said...

It's good to be busy! :) Marge did a great job on those cakes! I never thought about it... you've got a few birthdays pretty close together. I LOVE the pic of Camilla asleep in the high chair... that's something I'd do right now! :)

Christine said...

So sweet! Can't WAIT to see you guys on Sunday!

c a n d a c e said...

What cute pictures!!! I can't wait for the Reunion Sis!! Love you!

Steph said...

Great pictures, Corinne!! I can't believe Camilla is already one! Where does the time go? Love you!

Lisa said...

Camilla's so cute asleep in the highchair. By the way,I am glad u are excited we r having another. We just felt we needed to match your number! Ok I was totally shocked with number 4 but I am getting excited.